Health Coaching

Contact me - call or text 860.345.2600


A Certified Health Coach has training and expertise in helping clients implement lifestyle changes to improve their physical health. Coaches have a working knowledge of diet, lifestyle, and nutrition and how they impact the body. They provide educational resources to their clients. Clients are supported in setting up and achieving health goals and building new habits through a partnership. Health coaches help clients identify barriers to change and discover the "why" behind the desired change. Coaches can act as a supervisor and mediator in the clients relationship with medical professionals.

Let me guide you on your journey towards better health.

Take control of your health and learn simple, effective strategies to help prevent disease, sleep better, sharpen thinking, boost energy, reduce cravings and more!

It is never too late to make positive changes that will improve your health.

This is not a "diet", or a "program" to lose weight. It is an education and support service to help you make permanent, positive changes to your Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude & Nutrition (L.E.A.N.). You will learn how to make real changes now that will help you maintain your health in the future.

As a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, I provide a wide range of services to help individuals, families and organizations achieve their wellness goals.

I am not a fitness trainer or exercise guru. I am your partner in learning about making lifestyle & nutrition changes to improve your overall health and quality of life as you age.

Individual and group lessons are available.

In person or online.

Educate - Calculate - Initiate - Congratulate

My Story:

At 46 years old, I was 460 lb, on three meds for blood pressure, one for cholesterol, one for gout and I was
pre-diabetic. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I had a family that I needed to be around for. I needed to make a change. So, I did. With the guidance of my doctors, I was able to get on a path to better health. Along the way, I searched out more information to help me get further down the path. I started doing new things that were good for me.
I stopped doing the things that were not. It wasn’t easy.

Today, I am 160 lbs smaller, taking zero medications, exercise almost every day and I am no longer at risk for diabetes. I feel better now than I have in 30 years. I will not allow myself to go back to being how I was.

I have made permanent changes to my life.

It is never too late to start your journey towards better health. But you have to take that first step.​

Contact me for a free consultation. Call or Text 860.345.2600


  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging

  • Boost energy levels and reduce stress

  • Sleep better and think sharper

  • Use good nutrition to reduce pain and inflammation

  • Reduce the risk of cancer and ailments such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and arthritis

  • Become fit, strong and flexible


  • Experience improvements in your overall health

  • Have fewer sick days and less time away from school or work

  • Significantly reduce your medical expenses

  • Discover a personalized weight control plan that actually works!

  • Experience more active and truly energetic lives